Deane, Mr.


Deane, Mr.


Lucy's father; a junior member of the firm of Guest & Co. "A large but alert-looking man, with a type of physique to be seen in all ranks of English society — bald crown, red whiskers, full forehead, and general solidity without heaviness. You may see noblemen like Mr. Deane, and you may see grocers or day-labourers like him; but the keenness of his brown eyes was less common than his contour." Starting life as a poor boy, he had made himself valuable to the firm of Guest & Co., had been given a share in the business and advanced rapidly. When the Tullivers lose their property he is kindly disposed towards them and finds a place in the warehouse for Tom Tulliver, and is pleased with Tom's success in business.


<em>The Mill on the Floss</em>



